Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Afros - Doing the bump

Continuing with my theme as of late I was working with an online student last week helping her with an assignment in Character Design 2. In this segment of the class we work on getting a couple of characters interacting together within a single composition. To assist my student I created a series of sketches whereby the characters I was exploring moved together in a dance from the early days of disco in the 1970's. It was called the bump and it was very popular for a while.


Hazman said...

Nice sketches Charles. I like the movement in these. Hey I did some drawings of this two characters from the 1977 Ralph Bakshi film "Wizards", Did as an attempt to do shading practice. http://hazartsnrafts.deviantart.com/art/Wizards-Avatar-and-Blackwolf-694250682

Unknown said...

Interesting! I never heard of the dance either, so this is completely new. Awesome sketches by the way! I know I have a few problems with characters interacting with each other, such as hand holding.

Charles Z said...

Hey there Hazman you did a fine job on the Wizards characters! Very nice. You know your animated films I must say. Thanks for the link I enjoy your work.

B Latte - Practice drawing characters together and it'll come to you faster. Before you know it you'll be surprising yourself. The bump was a fun dance. Easy to learn. The disco craze of the 1970's started with the bump.

Unknown said...

I'll keep that in mind, Charles!
Hm, I wonder what other dances was introduced in the 1970's...

Hazman said...

Thank you Charles. I wouldn't know any thing about the film if a friend of mind requested me to look at Ralph Bakshi's work seeing on how he says my style looks similar to his witch I'm not sure if you agree. But the reason i watch the Wizards film is because the Blackwolf similar of a character of mine and i was a bit curious. But yeah I'm also a bit of animation enthusiast my-self.

Charles Z said...

Shame on me for taking so long to get back here.

B Latte there were lots of dances in the 70's. The bump, the penguin, the robot, the hustle, the bus stop, the funky chicken to name a few. There were even more in the 60's. The twist, the pony, the monkey, the hitch hike, the jerk, the watusi, the swim, the mash potato. I'm sure I'm forgetting some but you get the idea. A very creative and vibrant time.

Hazman the movies that Bakshi produced in the 70's and into the 80's helped keep things going during a very dismal time for animated films. Fritz the Cat, Wizards, Lord of the Rings, Coonskin, Heavy Traffic, Fire and Ice, edgy stuff that challenged a lot of preconceptions about what animation can be. If you're compared to Bakshi artistically that's quite a compliment.

Hazman said...

Hmm that's very interesting stuff. I don't mind to watch a bit of dark and edgy animated shows something like Rick and Morty. But what i liked about the Bakshi films
is the dark tones and the traditional and wacky cartoon style, Would like too see something like that again. But thanks for the info Charles!