Sunday, July 08, 2012

Crash Bandicoot - Pinstripe original concept sketch

Look what I found! This is the original concept design for the character of Pinstripe from the days of Willy the Wombat. I initially drew him like a 1920s Chicago mobster kind of a rat henchman. Pinstripe became more of a New York / New Jersey wise guy. This was how I first conceived the look for the character.  


  1. Anonymous2:41 AM

    Awesome! This design was used not for Pinstripe but for the enemy Potoroo that shoot with two guns in Crash Bandicoot 1 right?

  2. Pinstripe Potoroo is one and the same character, this is just an early version

  3. Really awesome.
    Gabriele Fiasconaro yes, I think you are right.

  4. I might be mistaken about this character. I went through the body of work I did for the original Crash game. He's labeled as a "Mafia Henchman". There's also a second character that's labeled the same way. He may or may not be a prototype for Pinstripe. I can't quite recall if he was or if he and the other character were sidekicks for Pinstripe. Anyway, it is what it is. Hope you enjoy it none the less.

  5. Reminds me of Templeton from Charlotte's Web.
