Sunday, July 26, 2020

New Crash Bandicoot coming Oct 2 2020

I'm sure everyone's aware of this by now. The latest Crash game is on the way! This coming Oct 2 2020. The trailer is spectacular. Several of my original characters. Sharing the glory with Joe Pearson. We were colleagues in the development of what's become a classic franchise. Joe was the genius between us. Congrats to all involved with what appears to be something of a video game  masterpiece. Terrific production. Bold and vibrant design. Looks like a lot of fun. Excited for its success! Good wishes to all.

Saturday, July 04, 2020

Honoring Independence

There's a remarkable story behind this graphic.

I started working on it years ago in August 2009. Came up with the concept of the eagle but couldn't quite figure how to put a finish to the overall composition. Then recently I did a search for an American flag design and found one that fit absolutely perfect with what I had done with the eagle. The curve of the flag and the eagle were identical. All I had to do was place the eagle image within the flag. It was miraculous I tell ya! Couldn't believe what I was seeing. Guess it was meant to be!

Thus my creative homage to my country this Independence Day in the USA July 4 2020.