Saturday, April 01, 2017

View from my office studio

One of the things I'm most thankful for in life is a very simple pleasure that brightens my heart whenever I come into work. No matter what may be going on all I have do do is look straight ahead out the window I'm facing and enjoy this view...

What makes this special is what I'm looking out at on any given day. Here's a zoomed in shot with a description...

Every time I gaze upon this vista I'm humbly reminded as to how fortunate I am.


Unknown said...

...And I realize how lucky I am to stumble upon this blog. It's interesting to view these pictures, I'm amazed you even labelled where Walt died at.This is a great picture✨

Anonymous said...

That is a lovely view, being so close to where some of the greates cartoon characters were created must be inspiring.
By the way I had a question regarding Crash characters: Reading the Crash Bible by Joe Pearson I notice that when Crash was still a wombat Pinstripe was a Bandicoot. But the designs didn't change much after they changed their species, so I was thinking: How much do you and Joe Pearson researched the animals you were designing? Was it an artistic choice to make them look different from the actual animal?

Charles Z said...

Thank you Vanilla for your very nice comment.

Hi Gabriele. I don't think we did much research on what the characters looked like anatomically as far as the kind of animals they were supposed to be or have come from. We made things up as we went for the most part. Not always but in general we kind of winged it. So I'd say it was an artistic choice. It was supposed to be crazy anyway.