Saturday, December 16, 2023

Crash Bandicoot on McDonald's Happy Meals

Hello friends! It's a happy month for Happy Meals at McDonald's as Crash Bandicoot is featured for December. Imagine my joy! This is at least the second time and maybe the third that Crash has been on Happy Meals for kids. Spyro the Dragon is also in this latest nationwide campaign. Here's a video of the commercial ...


Anonymous said...

Hi Charles, I’m not sure if this is the best way to contact you but i am desperately trying to commission a Crash drawing for my boyfriend’s 21st (he is a MASSIVE fan). Is that possible? thank you and love your work!!!! <3

Charles Z said...

Hi Anonymous. Go to and click on the Contact tab. Send an email with the subject Attn: Charles and I'll follow up with you.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the response!! Sent an email a few days ago so look forward to hearing from you :)